Metrics Briefs
Feb 16 1999
SUPERHIGHWAY SHOPPING: More than 2 million U.S. consumers researched their new-car purchase online in 1998, according to Forrester Research. The latest data suggests that by 2003, nearly 8 million new-car purchases will be researched online and 500,000 sales will be transacted entirely on the Net.
I-BUILDERS GROW UP: With Internet and e-commerce site development expenditures expected to quadruple to $43.6 billion worldwide by 2002, competition between I-Builders will intensify. A new report from International Data Corp. identifies several capabilities required for Internet services market leaders, including: end-to-end solutions, proven recruitment operations, change management competencies, demonstrable ROI for engagements, client-retention strategies, global presence and formalized e-commerce marketing strategies.
TARGETING LIFE: Marketers have long known that big spending occurs around "life events" - births, weddings, new homes and the like. A new analysis from CyberDialogue quantifies the online population and corresponding buying power for many demographic groups. For example, only 4.2 million Net surfers have put a child through college, but those who have earn a median income of nearly $52,000.
MARK THE CALENDAR: Jupiter Communications' Consumer Online Forum will be held March 1 to 3 in New York City. ... International Data Corp.'s Directions 99: Navigating the New Economy will be held March 2 in San Francisco and March 9 in Boston. ... The Advertising Research Foundation's 45th Annual Convention and Infoplex '99 will be held March 15 to 17 in New York City.