Nike Historical Photos

Photocopy of photograph showing unidentified launch area with personnel door, decontamination shower and Ajax missiles from photo archives at U. S. Institute for Military History, Carlisle Barracks, Carlisle, PA, no date

Photocopy of photograph showing cable supports for radar equipment from Procedures and Drills for NIKE Ajax System, Department of the Army Field Manual, FM-44-80 from Institute for Military History, Carlisle Barracks, Carlisle, PA 1959

Photocopy of photograph showing acquisition radar from 'Procedures and Drills for the NIKE Hercules Missile Battery,' Department of the Army Field Manual, FM-44-82 from Institute for Military History, Carlisle Barracks, Carlisle, PA, 1959

Photocopy of photograph showing battery acquisition radar from 'Procedures and Drills for the NIKE Hercules Missile Battery,' Department of the Army Field Manual, FM-44-82 from Institute for Military History, Carlisle Barracks, Carlisle, PA, 1959

Photocopy of photograph showing target tracking radar from 'Procedures and Drills for the NIKE Hercules Missile Battery,' Department of the Army Field Manual, FM-44-82 from Institute for Military History, Carlisle Barracks, Carlisle, PA, 1959

Photocopy of photograph showing an Ajax and Hercules Missile from ARADCOM Argus pg. 3, from Institute for Military History, Carlisle Barracks, Carlisle, PA, October 1, 1958

Photocopy of photograph showing four Ajax missiles in launch position from ARADCOM Argus pg. 14, from Institute for Military History, Carlisle Barracks, Carlisle, PA, October 1, 1963

Photocopy of photograph showing model display NIKE Hercules firing battery, ARADCOM Argus pg. 11, from Institute for Military History, Carlisle Barracks, Carlisle, PA, March 1, 1961

Photocopy of command flow chart of NIKE Battalion, Headquarters Battery and Missile Battery from Procedures and Drills for NIKE Ajax System, Department of the Army Field Manual, FM-44-80 from Institute for Military History, Carlisle Barracks, Carlisle, PA 1956

. Photocopy of drawing of missile shipping container from Procedures and Drills for the NIKE Ajax System, Department of the Army Field Manual, FM-44-80 from Institute for Military History, Carlisle Barracks, Carlisle, PA 1956.

Photocopy of drawing of underground missile storage and elevator controls from 'Procedures and Drills for the NIKE Ajax System,' Department of the Army Field Manual, FM-44-80 from Institute for Military History, Carlisle Barracks, Carlisle, PA, 1956

Photocopy of drawing of underground missile storage, elevator and ground-level launchers from 'Procedures and Drills for the NIKE Ajax System,' Department of the Army Field Manual, FM-44-80 from Institute for Military History, Carlisle Barracks, Carlisle, PA, 1956

Photocopy of drawing of missile launcher from 'Procedures and Drills for the NIKE Ajax System,' Department of the Army Field Manual, FM-44-80 from Institute for Military History, Carlisle Barracks, Carlisle, PA, 1956

Photocopy of drawing showing data flow of radar at control area from 'Procedures and Drills for the NIKE Ajax System,' Department of the Army Field Manual, FM-44-80 from Institute for Military History, Carlisle Barracks, Carlisle, PA, 1956

Photocopy of drawing of battery control trailer from 'Procedures and Drills for the NIKE Ajax System,' Department of the Army Field Manual, FM-44-80 from Institute for Military History, Carlisle Barracks, Carlisle, PA, 1956
Many more photos of individual Nike Sites can be found on individual Nike Site pages, which are linked to from the Locations index.
The photos that accompany the Foster, Rhode Island (PR-79) Site are excellent examples of a typical Nike Site.