Nike Site SL-10

The generator building on the left was obvious with four pads for mounting the generators and a deasel fuel gauge on the wall. The IFC Corridor building is on the right.
The metal bulding may have been some type of hipar bulding, and the large octognal foundation behind it suggest that it may have had some type of acquisition radar tower mounted to it?

Another view from the other side.

The administration bulding is to the right of this picture and the guard house is near the edge of the picture, also you can see the route 4 bridge over the railroad tracks that ran past the base and just north of Marine.

The administration bulding.
As you can see the Control/Admn. area was heavly vandalized since it was abandoned and the gate to the entrance was missing providing easy access.


The " Day Room " sign was bareley ledgible across the top of an entrance to this building.

A view looking south towards the mess hall.

From the layout of this bulding one would conclude that it was most likely the mess hall.
Stories like this one are amazing, and way too frequently vanish from the web. I'm preserving it here so we don't lose this historically valuable information.