Mill Valley Early Warning Radar Station
Mill Valley Air Force Station (MVAFS) played a significant role in the United States Air Defense system during the period of the Cold War. The threat of Soviet nuclear and air force power warranted the construction of early warning radar stations throughout the country. With the opening of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the subsequent end to the Cold War, retrospective scholarship has labeled contributing defense systems, such as early warning radar, important features of United States military history. In fact, America's first major construction project as a result of Cold War hostilities was, apparently, the system of early warning radar stations of which Mill Valley Air Force Station was one.
The Mill Valley Air Force Station (MVAFS), one of ten similar early warning radar stations on the West Coast of the United States, made significant contributions to the nation's defense program during the period of the Cold War.
Construction began in 1950, and the station opened in December 1951.